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Writer's pictureDavid Hill

False Assumptions

In life oftentimes assumptions are made. Outside of complete information, assumptions can and will be made. An assumption is to lay hold of, suppose that a thing is true, the supposition something is true (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).

To assume something does not mean it is true (Prov. 18:13). An assumption is not always false. Assumptions do not replace facts. Assumptions can be made in arrogance, or pretension. Some presume to know that which can’t be known, and sometimes judgments are made from prejudice and false assumptions. The Christian must be careful and honest when dealing with assumptions. The worst case of false assumptions is revealed in the treatment, trial, and crucifixion of Christ.

Christ was said to be wrong, because His heredity was wrong (John 19:21). The Jews of His day took great pride in their heredity. At Nazareth when Jesus spoke “gracious words” in the synagogue, the question was who is this one, is he Joseph’s son (Luke 4:22)? One’s pedigree often gets in the way of Truth. This is where racism and class warfare sometimes come into play. The Pharisees and Sadducees were rebuked by John the baptizer for their false sense of security by claiming to be Abraham’s seed (Matt. 3:9). Notice the prejudice as they dealt with Christ; they made their claim in the face of one [Christ] who was proven to be purely of Abraham’s seed! [re: (John 8:39)].

Jesus faced what many of His followers face today, He was not of the accepted crowd (John 2:15). His followers were classed as “ignorant” and “unlearned” (Acts 4:13). They were chided and accused of eating with the unclean sinners (Luke 5:30). Jesus was assumed to be bad, because he was a friend to publicans and sinners (Matt. 11:19). He was not accepted by the traditional crowd. Why? Because “out of Galilee ariseth no prophet” (John 7:52); all false assumptions used to try and destroy the good work of the Lord.

Though the death of Christ was prophesied from the beginning (Gen. 3:15), in ignorance the leaders of the Jews falsely assumed they could end their problem with Jesus by killing Him. His preaching was a burden to them because he spoke “with power” (Luke 4:32). He convicted them of their sin (Matt. 23), and He was a threat to their power (Mark 15:10). So, how do they remove this problem? Answer, kill him [Christ]. Their false assumption worked exactly into God’s plan.

The leaders of the Jews falsely assumed the grave would contain the Son of God (John 2:19-21). It was up from the grave that He arose, and His victory complete (I Cor. 15:4). It is in their act of false assumption, we rejoice in the hope of the resurrection (Rom. 6:4).

Be careful with assumptions. False assumptions corrupt good judgment and can bring about destruction.

David Hill

Northeast Church of Christ bulletin February 4, 2024


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